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Assistant Professor

Tel. : +3024210-7-4165
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Dr. Pantelis Kopelias is an Assistant Professor at School of Civil Engineering at University of Thessaly (city of Volos, Greece). He holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering (1997) and a PhD (2002) in Traffic Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He teaches Traffic Engineering, Road Operations and Traffic management, Pavement Design and Management and ITS and Traffic Management Applications. He has participated in several EU and Greek Research and Development projects and Traffic studies in the area of Traffic Management, Road Safety and ITS. He is author or co-author in 20 scientific publications in journals and over 60 conferences papers with referees. He is member of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers and also he is /was member of several organizations and scientific groups (TRB, IRF, IIAV). He has significant  - 20 years - professional experience as Civil and Traffic Engineer in areas of Traffic Operations, Traffic and Incident Management and Transportation studies.

Undergraduate Courses
Traffic Engineering
Road Operation and Traffic Management
Pavement Desigh and Construction

Graduate Courses

Office Hours
Monday  12:00-14:00
Wednesday 11:00-13:00



Civil Engineer, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1997)
Ph.D., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (2002)

Recent Publications
Spiliopoulou A., Kontorinaki M., Papageorgiou M, Kopelias P. (2014) Macroscopic traffic flow model validation at congested freeway off-ramp areas Transportation Research Part C (41) pp 18-29.
Vardaki S., Papadimitriou F., Kopelias P. (2014) Road safety audit on a major freeway: implementing safety improvements, European Transport Research Review (DOI) 10.1007/s12544-014-0138-0.
Vogiatzis K., Kopelias P., Mandalozis D., Kalfa N., (2014) Acoustic Sustainable Environment Through Freeway Traffic Management Actions, Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV21), Beijing, China.
Yildirimoglu M., Limniati Y., Kopelias P., Geroliminis N. (2014) Linking the Properties of Mean-Variance Relations in Travel Times with the Hysteresis in Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram Proceedings of the International Conference on “Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization” (OPT-i), NTUA, Kos Island, Greece.
P. Kopelias, K. E. Vogiatzis, A. Skabardonis, (2013) “The impact of congestion management on air pollution emissions in urban freeways”, Int. Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning, Vol. 8, No 3, WIT PRESS, pp 400-412.