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The Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Thessaly offers a 5-year undergraduate program which leads to an Integrated Masters Degree (level 7 according to the European Qualifications Framework). The 5-year program is structured in 10 semesters. Each semester includes several courses which in total correspond to 30 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System). A total of 300 ECTS credits is needed to complete the 5-year program; 270 ECTS from courses and 30 ECTS from the diploma thesis. 

A list of the courses per semester follows below:

1st Semester

ΓΚ0106   Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry
ΓΚ0201 Physics Ι
ΓΚ0105 Chemistry for Engineers
ΓΚ0501 Technical Drawing & CAD
ΓΚ0107 Calculus I
ΓΚ0304   Computer Programming

2nd Semester
ΓΚ0205   Calculus ΙΙ
ΓΚ0202 Physics ΙΙ
ΓΚ0401 Rigid Body Mechanics
ΓΚ0800 Probability and Statistics
ΓΚ1303 Geodesy
ΞΓ0105 English for Specific Purposes
ΞΓ0205 French for Specific Purposes
ΞΓ0305 German for Specific Purposes

3rd Semester
ΓΚ0306 Ordinary Differential Equations
ΓΚ1801 Numerical Analysis
ΓΚ0402 Strength of Materials I
ΓΚ1202 Geology for Engineers
ΓΚ0601  Geographic Information Systems
ΓΚ1103 Construction

4th Semester
ΓΚ1601 Structural Analysis Ι
ΓΚ1700 Fluid Mechanics
ΓΚ3300 Environmental Engineering
ΓΚ1501 Traffic Engineering
ΓΚ0403 Strength of Materials II
ΓΚ0406 Partial Differential Equations

5th Semester

ΓΚ1602 Structural Analysis ΙΙ
ΓΚ2001  Highway Engineering I
ΓΚ2201 Soil Mechanics Ι
ΓΚ2100 Hydraulics
ΓΚ2300 Transportation Planning
ΓΚ1402 Construction Materials

6th Semester

ΓΚ2002   Highway Engineering ΙΙ
ΓΚ2202 Soil Mechanics ΙΙ
ΓΚ3401 Steel Structures Ι
ΓΚ2901 Reinforced Concrete Design I
ΓΚ2800 Hydrology
ΓΚ3000 Groundwater Hydraulics
ΓΚ4500 Academic Writing and Technical Report Writing

7th Semester
ΓΚ2902  Reinforced Concrete Design II
ΓΚ1105 Steel Structures ΙΙ
ΓΚ3602 Foundation and Retaining Structures
ΓΚ3510 Water Supply & Sewage Systems

Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering Division
ΓΕ0101 Soil Dynamics
ΓΕ0201 Experimental Soil Mechanics

Division of Structural Engineering
ΔΟ163 Structural Analysis ΙΙΙ 
ΔΟ1201 Experimental Strength of Materials

Transport, Transportation and Environmental Management Division
ΣΥ1310 Environmental impact assessment studies for Transport Infrastructure
ΣΥ1200 Roadway Safety

Division of Hydraulics and Environemetal Engineering
ΥΔ0400 Computational Hydraulics with Applications in Hydraulic Works
ΥΔ0211 Water Treatment & Principles of Ecological Engineering

8th Semester
ΓΚ3801  Maritime Hydraulics and Harbour Engineering
ΓΚ4000 Structural Dynamics Ι
ΓΚ4200 Civil Engineering Project Management

Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering Division
ΓΕ0400  Computational Geotechnical Engineering
ΓΕ0801 Geotechnical Earth Structures
ΓΕ0301 Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics

Division of Structural Engineering
ΔΟ1301 Elastoplastic Structural Analysis
ΔΟ2903 Reinforced Concrete Design III
ΔΟ1000 Elastic Stability
ΔΟ0500 Assessment and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Transport, Transportation and Environmental Management Division
ΣΥ2410 Public Transportation
ΣΥ0511 Design and Evaluation of Transportation Systems
ΣΥ0910 Road Operation and Traffic Management
ΣΥ1210 Sustainable Urban Mobility

Division of Hydraulics and Environemetal Engineering
ΥΔ0900 Experimental Hydraulics
ΥΔ0300 Water Resources Management
ΥΔ0640 Natural and Artificial Open Channels Flow
ΥΔ0620 Hydrologic Modeling and Forecasting
ΥΔ1220 Aquatic Chemistry and Water Treatment
  General Options:
ΓΚ4230 Optimization Techniques
ΓΚ4240 Special Topics on Construction

9th Semester
Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering Division
ΓΕ0600 Tunnels and Underground  Works
ΓΕ1106 Special Topics of Soil Mechanics
ΓΕ0903 Deep Foundations and Retaining Diaphragms
ΓΕ0500 Geoenvironmental Engineering

Division of Structural Engineering
ΔΟ0702 Structural Dynamics ΙΙ
ΔΟ0801 Composite Structures
ΔΟ0100 Finite Elements
ΔΟ1202 Advanced Strength of Materials
ΔΟ1501 Analysis of Surface Structures
ΔΟ0800   Steel Structures ΙΙΙ 
ΔΟ0300 Prestressed Concrete Design

Transport, Transportation and Environmental Management Division
ΣΥ0800 Special Topics in Highway Engineering
ΣΥ0100 Pavement Design and Construction
ΣΥ1112 Design and Operation of Railway Transportation System
ΣΥ1110 Airport System Planning and Operation
ΣΥ1111 Design and Operation of Sea Transport Systems
ΣΥ0110 Design of Special Transport Infrastructure

Division of Hydraulics and Environemetal Engineering
ΥΔ0700   Water Resources Systems and Water Supply/Distribution Networks
ΥΔ0800 Land Reclamation Projects
ΥΔ0630 Reservoirs and Dams
ΥΔ0710 Unsteady flows
ΥΔ0601 Environmental Fluid Mechanics
ΥΔ0610 Management of Extreme Hydrological Phenomena
ΥΔ3802 Coastal Engineering – Coastal Protection Works
ΥΔ1240 Wave mechanics and Offshore Structures
General Options:
ΓΚ0910 Spatial Analysis Techniques and Remote Sensing Applications in Civil Engineering

10th Semester
Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering Division
ΓΕ1107 Soil Structure Interaction                     
ΓΕ0410 Computational Geomechanics II
ΓΕ0902 Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

Division of Structural Engineering
ΔΟ1300 Modelling of Civil Engineering Structures
ΔΟ0900 Bridge Engineering

Transport, Transportation and Environmental Management Division

Division of Hydraulics and Environemetal Engineering

Diploma Thesis (30 ECTS credits)